Saturday, August 22, 2020

Transmission Mount Bushing


This task may seem a bit unworthy of its own post, but it was difficult to find this trick on the interwebs. I saw mention of the string method but with no pictures. What we are looking at is the MGB rear transmission mount, or butterfly. The old bushings swelled up with leaking oil and needed to be replaced. It's a tight fit, I tried pressing them in and it didn't work. So here is the string method. Put your string or cord through the mount then tie it to the new bushing waist.
Clamp the mount in a soft vice so you don't mess up your fresh paint. Then start pulling on the cord. I forgot to mention, lube the bushing up with petroleum jelly or rubber grease first. Get one side through the hole, then pull with one hand push on the other side with a screwdriver.

Eventually the bushing will pop through the hole. It is not easy, but it does work.


There you go, now you have to get the string out of the way, I used a fish hook shaped pick to pull the knot out. 

Repeat on the other half of the mount, add the bolt, and you are done with that simple, yet horrible task. I hear making all the holes on the transmission, mount and cross member line up is almost as fun, can't wait. 


  1. Thanks for taking a look, I am glad you found it useful. This happens to be one of the most popular posts on my blog.

  2. Marik, I am done with this project and the blog, but there 50 some odd posts with tips on how to do nearly every part of a MGB restoration. Thanks for taking a look, so glad you enjoyed it.
