Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Drivers Dogleg Panel

After completing the front section of the drives door sill, it was time to address the aft section and the blisters in the dogleg panel. A quick hit with the wire brush showed that there had been corrosion living here for a while!

Removing the dogleg reveled many holes, but they were confined to the aft eight inches of the sill panel.

After cutting off the bad sill panel, another hole was made to remove rust on the membrane panel. 

Here is the new piece welded in the membrane panel.

And here is the new sill panel installed.

The part that started this saga, there was a hole in the end cap, so a new one was welded in.

Fitting the ill fitting dogleg panel. Marking sections on the panel made it much easier to shape on the grinder, i.e. there is a rubbing between 4 and 6, grind a bit and recheck the fit. By this process the panel was perfectly fit in under an hour.

Then it was welded on, and the welds ground down, a nice fit. The second tip for fitting this panel would be to straighten or flatten the trailing edge so you can get the leading edge to fit properly, then after welding up to the wheel well corner, then you can just hammer the trailing edge around the wheel well corner and finish welding.

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  1. Nice work! Can't figure out how to subscribe to this Blog? Can you please email me when you post? thanks
